The MAT Program seeks to create skill-strong novice wrestlers who are prepared to competently and confidently compete in live wrestling situations after mastering fundamental skills which can be utilized throughout their entire wrestling careers.
The growth of a novice wrestler is dependent upon the triangle of equal involvement and communication between the wrestler, the parent, and the coach. The system is only as strong as the combined efforts and collaboration of the three key players.
The MAT Program allows first and second-year wrestlers of all ages to attain a winning attitude, develop technique, and build strength and other essential skills for success.
As skills are mastered, wrestlers have the opportunity to advance through shirt levels and learn more advanced techniques.
Wrestlers who complete the MAT Program enter the more advanced, competitive rooms better prepared, well-versed in wrestling vernacular, and most importantly, with a strong foundation of skills and technique upon which they can continue to develop. These athletes have proven to be more confident and successful in the sport at all levels.
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MAT Program Testing & Advancement Information
MAT Program Director
Phone: 850.218.6538